Geology of Bristol Temple
Meads Station
This post is adapted from an original article written by Eileen Stonebridge in 2003. It appeared in the paper version of Outcrop and you can download the original pdf here.
For those who are
reluctant to put on their boots or stray too far away from a coffee shop, there
are many opportunities to see some geology in the relative comfort of the built
environment. Bristol’s main railway station at
Temple Meads has plenty to show the urban geologist.
The original Great
Western Railway station was designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel and opened in
1840 as the western terminus of the main line from London, initially consisting
of only two platforms. As demand for rail services increased, the original station
was quickly outgrown and a major phase of construction between 1870-1898 formed
the majority of the current building. Temple Meads then doubled in size during the early 1930s due to the influx of post-WWI holiday traffic.
Approach from Temple Gate - the Joint Station
Start off by walking up
from Temple Gate. On the left (adjacent to the 8 & 9 bus stop) is the oldest
surviving part of the building, the Joint Station of the 1800s. The walling is
made of squared, coursed rough Traissic Dolomitic Conglomerate blocks, contrasting
with smooth Bath Stone ashlar. The conglomerate
consists of rounded pebbles of grey Carboniferous Limestone in a reddish fine
matrix that contains the minerals hæmatite and dolomite. It is sourced from
quarries at Draycott, near Cheddar, on the other side of the Mendip Hills.
Recent repairs were conducted by excavating similar stone from a small old
quarry in the Avon Gorge, a good reason in itself for preserving geological
The Joint Station dates from the 19th century and is made out of coarse-grained Triassic Dolomitic Conglomerate sourced from Draycott, near Cheddar. Photo credit: Eileen Stonebridge |
The main façade
Now walk towards the main
façade on Temple Gate. The front of the building comprises large blocks of Bath
Stone, whereas the side walls are of blue-grey Lower Lias limestone. Both of
these lithologies are found locally and the Bath Stone was sourced from the
excavation of Box Tunnel; it is likely that the Lias probably came from the
cuttings at Saltford and Keynsham.
Blue-grey Lower Lias limestone. Photo credit: Eileen Stonebridge |
The Earth beneath your feet...
As you are walking, be
sure to look at the flags beneath your feet. Some of the recycled sandstone
paving stones on the approaches to the station buildings preserve
"fossilised" ripple marks that give clues to the environment when the
sand was deposited. They are best seen when the sun is low, or after rain. There
is also a great collection of igneous rocks to be seen in the setts in the
station approach road. Watch out for taxis!
Ripple marks in the flags (possibly Pennant Sandstone?) on the station approach pavement. Photo credit: Eileen Stonebridge |
Inside the station - Plaform 3
You will need a ticket or
platform pass for the final stone. Machine-cut slabs of limestone from France
were used for paving part of platform 3 in 2000. It is Rocheret Jaune, an Early
Cretaceous limestone that comes from Belley, near Lyon. Beautiful sections
through fossil shells, especially high-spired gastropods, can be seen in
places. The same stone has been used for paving at Paddington Station and at
both ends of the Channel Tunnel, as well as in Bristol’s Centre and Millennium Square.
One of the many fossils in the limestone that paves Platform 3. Photo credit: Eileen Stonebridge |
Also in the vicinity
The Jacobean-style Bristol & Exeter House, one-time terminus of the Bristol & Exeter Railway, still stands today and is almost
completely of finely cut Bath Stone ashlar blocks.
There is much more to see inside and outside the station, including fine surfaces of granite and marble. The station complex really deserves a geological trail of its own; perhaps
we should make it a RIGS!
Eilieen Stonebridge (& Charly Stamper)
Bristol Temple Meads participates in the Bristol Open Doors Day (usually held in early September) and it is possible to go on tours of the inner workings, including a WWII air raid shelter and extensive tunnel system. For more information, visit the Bristol Open Doors Day website.