The Group's aim is to identify, survey, protect and promote geological and geomorphological sites in the former County of Avon - the modern unitary authorities of Bath and North East Somerset, Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire. RIGS are selected for their educational, research, historical and aesthetic value.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Rock clearance day at Salford

Rock clearance day at Saltford

Friday 20 November 

Meet: 10:30am at the clearance site. Finish at 4pm.

Dear volunteers

I am organising a rock clearance day on Friday 20 November to clean up a late Triassic/White Lias site close to the Railway Path at Saltford ST 691668   (see attached map). The site will eventually be part of a new geology trail around the village and I need your help

The rock outcrop occurs along the rim of the cutting and I need a team to help clear ivy and vegetation covering the current rock face as well as removing a substantial talus slope that covers and obscures the lower part of the exposure. It should be possible to complete this work in one day.

If you are interested (volunteer days can be real fun, especially if the weathers nice), please ring or email me to register your interest: 01373 474086 and/or simonccarpenter@gmail.com

You will need to bring a spade, thick work gloves, secateurs and or loppers - some extra tools will be available if you don't have any of your own.  Bring packed lunch or there is the Bird in Hand pub a short distance away.  Bring lots to drink and warm clothing, if its cold. 

There is a regular bus service to Saltford (X39) from Bath and Bristol or the site can be reached by bicycle of walking.  There is some car parking near the River Avon at 'The Shallows' and the rock exposure can be reached from here by a short walk.  There will be signs placed on the railway path adjacent to the rock exposure so that you don't miss it.  

With best wishes Simon Carpenter

1 comment:

  1. It was a successful day and a large portion of clearance done. Simon (Carpenter) reckons from the geological records/writings of the past, that there might be another metre perhaps until the Cotham Marble is exposed and then there will be a great 'sub-unit' complete exposure within the local whole, for Simon's great hoped Saltford Trail.
    Further glad willing help will be much appreciated for a further effort of a day or so's happy digging ...til the work proves a great asset to the local community's geological heritage exposed well...Yes? Simon??
    David Moore
